Lew Electric RCFB-1
RCFB-1 Product Description
The Lew Electric RCFB-1 allows you to plug into your floor box and not have the plugs visible creating a low profile look. The box allows you to hide your plug ends in the box by plugging in your cord ends low in the box, and not at the surface. This creates a more flush look and eliminates tripping hazards. Rubber grommets are included to protect the cords around the hole in the brass cover when they are in use.Specifications:
Plate: 1/8″ brass Outlet: 1 duplex 15A tamper proofIncludes 4 port empty keystone plate 2 screw plugs for access Connect low in the box to hide your plugs Watertight assembly Attach to floor or route into finished floor
Includes 1/16″ neoprene rubber gasket Box UL # E345966
Outlet UL # E333616
Meets NEMA WD1-1983 requirement Several knockouts for conduit Includes plate screws Cover size: 5″ x 5″
Back box size: 4″L x 3″W x 3.5″H
Cutout size: Can’t exceed 4 1/8″ x 3 1/2″
Size: 1 gang
Warranty: 1 year
Box H: 4″ / Box W: 5″
❒ Watertight close-up plugs❒ Rubber grommets provided for wire protection UL & NEMA
❒ Box UL #E345966
❒ Tamper resistant receptacle UL #E333616 (duplex)
About Lew Electric:
Lew Electric Fittings Company is a family-owned and operated company founded in 1901. It provides personal customer service that helped turn that one-floor box Jacob created into the largest variety of not only floor boxes but kitchen countertop electrical boxes and even outdoor electrical boxes seen in the industry today. Its the market-leading provider of residential floor boxes as well as manufacturers of floor boxes for homes, churches, airports, sports stadiums, highways-any type of facility that needs electrical boxes where wall boxes are insufficient.Additional information about the product goes here. You can customize this content as needed.
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